

HTML For Bloggers Course – Lesson 1

HTML knowledge is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for small business owners looking to manage their own blogs. On a blog platform like, a non-techie can configure 80-90% of their site without knowing any HTML. On Posterous blogs, 95% of the blog site can be well configured without HTML.

It’s that 5-10% that can stop a small business owner in their tracks. The intent of this post and the whole course is to help you get over that learning hump so you can manage your blog effectively and go on and do what you do best, run your business.

iPhone Promotion Machine

iPhone as a Promotion Machine

I love promoting awesome people, great causes, events, and organizations/businesses that are doing interesting things. My favorite tech tool to help me do this is the Apple iPhone 3Gs. There’s a reason the iPhone 3Gs is such a hot seller, it is a mobile promotion machine. I use it to check email on the road …

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