
HTML for Bloggers Course – Lesson 2

Did you miss HTML for Bloggers Lesson 1? If so, go to Lesson 1 then come back for Lesson 2. C’mon, don’t cut corners.

In Lesson #1, we learned about the basics of Web pages and started learning about marking up documents, literally. The purpose of Lesson #1 is to give you a visual understanding of how HTML works. We’ll continue driving that point here in Lesson #2 then we’ll start learning about the key HTML tags.

10 Ways to Create Your Blogging Persona

Too many bloggers are suffering from an identity crisis. It’s like those dreaded high school years when you awkwardly try to find your way and be comfortable in your own skin. It’s not much fun.

In business, it’s critical to develop your identity, brand, voice and persona for one reason. Revenue. If you don’t have a clear and crisp voice (through your blog), how can you expect anyone to pay attention to it? Would you give your hard-earned money to someone who is unsure of themselves? Of course not.