
CISPA - Invasion of Privacy Act

CISPA – Invasion of Privacy Act

When I think of the new Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) bill that passed the House Intelligence Committee I think of the scene from the film “Enemy of the State” where Congressman Phillip Hammersley (played by the late Jason Robards) says:

“Telecommunications Security and Privacy Act. Invasion of privacy is more like it. – You read the Post? ‘This bill is not the first step towards the surveillance society. It is the surveillance society.'”


Scrutiny and the Rise of New Online Networks

One of the primary questions at the start of a relationship is “Can I trust you?”

The same is true on online relationships and in the process of vetting new connections and networks. Everyone gets invites to join this or that and if you don’t have a previous relationship or personally know the person IRL (in real life) then you might be suspicious of the attempt to connect.

Who Stole Public Television?

Something curious happened while we were sleeping – public television has been stolen.

When broadcast stations moved from analog to digital transmissions and the old bunny ears would no longer be the baseline method to connect to television, millions were instantly hosed. I live in the Santa Clara River Valley so when I try to run my TV with one of those special digital converters, nothing happens. I am unable to pick up any channels.