Web Marketing

Latino2 California Tour Hits the Central Coast

Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) is proud to announce San Luis Obispo as the second stop on the Latino2 California Tour.

Come join us on December 4, 2010, at the Cal Poly Performing Arts Center in San Luis Obispo. California’s Central Coast is the birth place of “La Causa”, the Latino civil rights movement. The conference will focus on the theme “Community and Collaboration in Central California: Then and Now.”

How To Get Facebook Page Notifications

Facebook has a myriad ways to receive notifications but not from your own Facebook Page (formerly known as “Fan Pages”).

In order to get notifications you have to do a workaround and “Like” your own Page post. After doing this for a while, this can get old for your regular Facebook profile friends.

Enter NutshellMail, an site that allows you to manage portions of your social network via email. My favorite feature – NutshellMail allows you to receive Facebook page notifications!

Technology As A Bridge, Not A Barrier To Sales

It’s easy to get caught up in technology for technology’s sake.

A programmer creates a cool tool in isolation and launches it to the bewilderment of users, a credit card machine requires unnecessary steps to process a transaction, an electronics security device is ten times more cumbersome than it’s worth in security.  These are all barriers that frustrate the heck out of customers.