
The “D” Word #GetFit

Since my diabetes diagnosis three months ago I have lost 28 pounds. I feel great.

A few months ago I drove up to Sacramento and felt crappy during the long drive there and back. When I got back home I set up an appointment with my doctor and took a blood test. My glucose levels were high and I was called in to take an expanded set of tests after fasting.

Once again, my glucose level was high. I have diabetes.

My First Steps in Technology

Technology was first baked into my brain after I graduated from Pasadena High School. I managed to graduate from high school in 1986 after only having used a word-processing enabled computer a handful of times. I borrowed a couple of computers from friends to write papers and used another friends’s to play games.

This topic popped into my head because I’ll be attending the Tecnificate conference in Santa Barbara today and for many in the Santa Barbara area this may be their first inroad into technology.

CISPA - Invasion of Privacy Act

CISPA – Invasion of Privacy Act

When I think of the new Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) bill that passed the House Intelligence Committee I think of the scene from the film “Enemy of the State” where Congressman Phillip Hammersley (played by the late Jason Robards) says:

“Telecommunications Security and Privacy Act. Invasion of privacy is more like it. – You read the Post? ‘This bill is not the first step towards the surveillance society. It is the surveillance society.'”