Sending thoughts and prayers your way, Shel.
—- It’s fascinating how Connection works. This is the first time I’ve worn this shirt since Shel Israel’s Twitterville book launch party. (I finally lost enough weight to fit into it.) And then I read Shel’s blog post on his upcoming operation and it makes sense. Connection. You can call it coincedence if you like but it’s more than that. We’re all inextricably tied to each other. One day we’ll find a precise scientific way to measure and quantify how this Energy Share works then everyone will shrug and say, “Of course that’s the way it works.” BTW, thx for the shirt @shashib!Wishing @shelisrael all the best. You’ll be in good hands at Stanford Med.
- Jesse
- Published on May 8, 2010
- 2:50 pm
- in Uncategorized