
A Vine for its Time

I’m addicted to Vine, Twitter’s recently acquired 6-second video service. I Vine my dog-walking, my coffee-making, my cookie-baking, my car-washing. I Vine everything but my wife, and only because she won’t allow it. (If I ever do, I’ll also Vine my time in the doghouse after she finds out.)

It wasn’t too hard to become addicted. I’ve tried many video services before: YouTube, 12seconds, Qwik, and others that came and went even faster. Vine is right for its time. What makes it different?

Big Weekend for Bless Me, Ultima Could Make a Difference #blessmeultima #latism

The film “Bless Me, Ultima” opens to a national audience this weekend after a successful run in a limited audience last Fall.

Weekend box office numbers matter, big time. If you want to see more quality Latino-themed films, set aside some time today to take your family, friends, and neighbors down to your local theater and watch this film. Strong weekend support for this movie means that it is less likely to get pulled from screens and it will once again show Hollywood that Latinos will come out to support important films

Letters to Yourself

The instructions were simple.  "Write a letter to yourself, then in one year or more, I will return the letters to you.  I will not open them so you can write whatever you want.  Think about what’s important to you, what’s been on your mind, and maybe some advice you’d like to give yourself in …

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Videsta Quotable

I know you call the person who serves your coffee a barrista, but what do you call someone who sells you videos?  A videsta? Of Eddie Murphy, upon my checking out of Norbit: Videsta: "When he’s not playing a donkey, he is in drag."