
Case Threatens Viability of an Open Internet

On September 9, 2013 the U.S. Federal Court of Appeals will start hearing oral arguments in Verizon V. FCC, a “net neutrality” case where wireless provider Verizon is challenging the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) order regulating how Internet service providers manage their networks. Verizon seeks to undo some of the regulatory power of the FCC.

Five Tips To Let Your Message Run Wild

I love sharing information, including technology trends, social media How To’s, breaking and local business news, and information on advocacy groups. On Twitter, I’ll share 5-10 items per day, sometimes in a rapid fire method. On Facebook I’ll “Like” or “Share” several posts a day. Multiply these activities by the number of Twitter and Facebook users and you have an unprecedented amount of sharing and re-sharing.

So why limit the scope of your message?

How To Create A Facebook Fan Page [VIDEO]

This tutorial will show you how to get started on building your own Facebook Page (I refer to them as “Fan Pages” in the video). This is Part One of the Facebook Fan Page project so make sure you bookmark this page, subscribe to the email blog posts, and/or subscribe to the RSS feed to keep track of further developments.

iPhone Promotion Machine

iPhone as a Promotion Machine

I love promoting awesome people, great causes, events, and organizations/businesses that are doing interesting things. My favorite tech tool to help me do this is the Apple iPhone 3Gs. There’s a reason the iPhone 3Gs is such a hot seller, it is a mobile promotion machine. I use it to check email on the road …

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