iPhone as a Promotion Machine
I love promoting awesome people, great causes, and orgs/businesses that are doing interesting things. My favorite mobile tech tool , the iPhone, helps me do this in the blink of an eye from anywhere.
I love promoting awesome people, great causes, and orgs/businesses that are doing interesting things. My favorite mobile tech tool , the iPhone, helps me do this in the blink of an eye from anywhere.
No this isn’t a trailer from a new James Bond movie. The Airborne Laser (ABL) successfully fired its onboard Laser on a missile during testing earlier this month.
These videos were just made public.
Today is the one year anniversary of the Miracle on the Hudson. TwitPic helped capture the moment and is still thriving.
In a tragic situation such as the Fort Hood shootings, the Twitter Lists feature is extremely powerful as it creates an ad-hoc news channel. You get to curate and you get to tune in.