Designed by yours truly, printing by VPG Printing in San Diego (Encinitas). Thanks to Laura Beulke for the great job!
I decided to go for the “real estate look” and put my mug on the front of the card. The card lists my web site, 4 main social media accounts/links, my consulting service areas, and an “action” section encouraging people to sign up for my site’s email list. I debated on whether to add content to the back since that’s prime real estate for taking notes. I also went for the glossy finish so that further dissuaded people from taking notes. Do you do anything special with your biz cards or is simpler better for you?Yay, new biz cards are in. Great job @VPG_Printing ! #smallbiz
- Jesse
- Published on January 10, 2011
- 9:43 pm
- in Uncategorized
