It’s not the size that matters Seth


Marketing Guru Seth Godin is way off on his post today, “You will be misunderstood“, when he writes:

All of which is a way of warning you about microblogging (Twitter, etc.). If you’ve got 140 characters to make your point, the odds are you are going to be misunderstood (a lot).

This point of view is understandable IF YOU HAVE NEVER USED TWITTER.  Before I joined Twitter in April of 2008, I’d run into Twitter micro-posts (“tweets”) and they did look like gibberish because I had no context and I could not figure out the relationships.

Twitter is about relationships.

There are great blogging communities.  But Twitter is a “high maintenance” relationship social network.  The more you interact, reply, and engage, the more you get out of it.  And yes, the more you do that, the more people understand where you’re coming from in 140 characters or less.

Please feel free to leave Comments in 140 characters or less, or leave a video comment in 14 seconds or less so we can reinforce this point.
